“The main and absolutely priority objective of our company mission is the complete satisfaction of consumers by communicating the style of our territory through our wines.”
The Alcesti winery was founded in 2003 in Marsala, at the heart of the most vineyard-rich province in Europe, the province of Trapani.
The passion for wine is so deeply ingrained in us because it represents not only our ancient origins and our past but also the expression of our present and a projection toward our future.
We chose to name our company "Alcesti," an expression of the feminine world and a tragic Greek heroine who courageously sacrifices herself, her own life, to save that of her husband, the king.
What inspired us to choose her was partly admiration for this woman and her courage, but also the uniqueness of Euripides’ work, which places her outside the usual patterns of tragedy. Unlike typical heroines, her actions lead to her salvation by the gods, resulting in a true happy ending.
This is what we hope to represent and embody amidst the chaos of Sicilian viticulture, which often produces uniformity. We aspire to be, instead, the expression of something different, something unique.
We love our land, our origins, our roots.
We have taken on the responsibility of conveying **moments of Sicilian essence** through our wines. Each harvest has always told a story of emotions.
Il nostro obiettivo è tell, interpret ed enhance, anno dopo anno, le peculiarità di un territorio, di pochi ettari, di un grappolo.
Within the most vineyard-rich expanse of Italy lie the roots of our plants. They are nourished by the Sicilian sun and our dedication through the hard work in the vineyard. 50 hectares in the territory stretching between Marsala, Mazara, and Salemi, at varying altitudes ranging from 100 to 280 meters above sea level. Vineyards inherited from our fathers, expressing the typical Sicilian terroir.
The winery is the result of our family's dream. It reflects our hospitality, our desire to innovate, and our respect for the environment. It is the place where we strive for excellence every day.
Our production
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